Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Flora and Fauna

I do not watch much TV but when a show called "Carnivale" was on HBO for about two seasons I was hooked ! This captured elements of dark carnival mystique, prophecy and the super natural. There was fortune telling, sideshow acts and burlesque dancers mixed in with a love story, all set in hard times during the depression, an amazing story line! I really must buy the box set to add to my movie library... drop by and read more on the show if you have moment, you will enjoy it!

Ok so , "Flora and Fauna",now on eBay, came to be from a mixture of carnival sideshow inspiration and the twin characters that where the love interest of Uncle Fester and Gomez when they were boys, in the wonderful, dark humor movie "The Addams Family". I have not watched this movie in a while (which is one of my favorites by the way) but funny how little things you have seen or heard stay with you for a looong time . Perhaps I will dig up some old movie this weekend and see what new things I can come up with !
Do drop by and visit the twins :)


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