Since having Tristan time seems to be flying by as it was just not too long ago I was posting that I was expecting and that this year we would have an addition to our Chirstmas Holiday and now ta da...he is 6 1/2 months old , our tree is up once again and we already have had our first snow for the year .. geez! :)
I've been away from posting anything on the blog for a while as I really have not had much time to create dolls or any thing else for that matter since I have been mainly concentrating on getting my perfume business Midnight Gypsy Alchemy up and running smoothly and in getting the company name out there. I am happy to say that it has been successful as now my line of perfume will be carried at two locations,
La Belle Epoque in Salinas California and the
Hexen Museum in Switzerland, both shops ran by two wonderful ladies I might add and are the sweetest people to work with . So with making perfumes, soaps and herbal healing salves, a full time job, Christmas on the way and and two babies ...I have my plate full.
I have been asked time and time again "when are you going to make more dolls?" and the answers is ... soon ...but no specific time . I have just been in a different mind set, and my artistic persona has taken on a different path so I have to find what works for me now and then move on from there in creating new dollies. I have a long holiday break come December 23rd and will not have to be back at work until January 4th. During this time I plan to find my cretive inspiration and finish two bodies I started a year ago .Oh my.. poor things no face or clothes for a year :(
One is a black cat and the other was molded to look like a china doll. The images and ideas I get now for my dolls because of the season , are of ice and snow, blues, greys and winter moons,herbs, jars, mandrakes, so I think this may be the direction I'm going to head in for now. I just have to sit myself down and do it ! ;) Wish me Luck !